The New, Mother of All, “Loosey Goosey” Award goes to UT Gov. Lil’ Spencer Coxy
and to Senator
Lincoln “The Leech,”
“Fill ‘er Up” Fillmore!

The Ole’ Buzzard believes that Loosey Goosey “Grifting” from Government funds, in this case the “Cares Act,” is a fine art perfected by generations of Utah Goodfellas.  The direct or indirect use and abuse of these funds for personal purposes is selfish, careless, unconstrained, lackadaisical, shamerful, fraudulent, deceitful, (Take your pick of the foregoing or create some of your own.) and “Loosey Goosey” in the extremes!

So what is a “grifter” in matters pertaining to Utah’s Goodfellas?  A grifter is a smooth-talking political con artist who weaves intricate webs of deception to separate unsuspecting victims (taxpayers) from their hard-earned cash.

In the halls of power they roam,
Their pockets expanding like foam.
With promises grand,
They fleece the whole land,
And leave us with naught but a groan.

The $5 Trillion Cares Act put $934,765,676.90 squarely into Utah’s Grifty Lil’ Governor Spencer Coxy’s pocket via his covert cash cow the Executive Office of the State of Utah fund.  According to our sources, it’s a fund that is under Coxy’s direct control.  

Our newest “Loosey Goosey” grifters’ award goes to the Governor’s office and the “Direct Grifting” that’s been going on there to include in this report the heretofore shamed Senator Lincoln Fillmore.

This fund Granted $112,013.00 to UTAH CHARTER ACADEMIES.

Please be patient and follow this thread. Indirect Grifter Senator Lincoln the Leech “Fill ‘er Up” ‘er ‘ah Fillmore is the Key Principal in “Charter Solutions.” “Charter Solutions plays a vital role in supporting Utah’s charter schools (think Utah Charter Academies), ensuring they meet state standards for academic excellence, fiscal responsibility, and legal compliance.” (Paraphrased and compiled from internet sources.) We suspect that Ole’ “Fill ‘er ‘Up” is slipping the “grift” through the back door. He’s been on the hot seat for grifting like that in the past. 

We have learned that Fillmore, as the President of Charter Solutions, oversees a team of school business administrators that work on-site at various charter schools throughout the state.  See, “Federal investigators: State senator used ‘improper relationship’ to make money” by clicking on HERE.  If the reader is one to connect the dots, the dots are bumping into and crawling all over each other.  It appears that Ole’ Lincoln the Leech, “Fill ‘er Up” Fillmore is back again sneaking lots ‘a $$$ indirect grift.  Yep! We suspect that Lincoln the Leech is back to his former hijinks. 

So now onto our Grifty Lil’ Governor Spencer Coxy to the tune of $125,000,000.00 … Zowee!  We’ve recently learned from the Salt Lake Tribune that Coxy’s family business has become an internet powerhouse.  As Coxy’s political fortunes rose, so too did the economic fortunes of CentraCom, a 121-year-old phone and internet company and family business based in tiny Fairview. (Paraphrased and compiled from the Tribune report.)

“It’s no wonder fortunes rose for CentraCom.  CentraCom has notable connections to the Utah Education and Telehealth Network (UETN). UETN contracts with CentraCom, utilizing its network as an administrative branch for educational and telehealth purposes.  In summary, CentraCom’s fiber optic connectivity contributes to UETN’s “mission” of improving education and healthcare through technology.”(Paraphrased and compiled from internet sources.)

And guess what else?  You’re right! The relationship between CentraCom and UETN must surely and undoubtedly bump up CentraCom’s bottom $$$ line from that “mission.”  Don’t ‘cha think that’s grift?

We repeat that we have learned that Grifty Lil’ Coxy’s “same” cash cow, the Executive Office of the State of Utah, granted UETN $125,000,000.00.  That’s hundreds of Millions in almost direct grift … folks.  Now that aint chump change.

The Tribune put a different, impressive, and fulsome spin on the story.

We keep finding more of the same ole’ as we keep looking into the Executive Office of the State of Utah.  Nomi Health contributed $50,000.00 to the Lil’ Grifter’s campaign and was rewarded with ~$13,000,000.00 in contracts.  Damn fine return on investment for Nomi I’d say.  All the taxpayers and many little families out of work, food, and shelter got the short end of the stick as a result of our Utah Goodfellas’ Gosh-awful “Grrrrrrifting.”

The reader can view another, major expose of Grifty Lil’ Coxy’s conduct by clicking on HERE.  If the reader is so  inclined, start poking around the Cares Act by clicking on HERE

Don’t forget to look long and hard at the “Extra” section below.  You’ll see the sum totals of campaign financing grift that’ll knock your socks off. 

Finally, what does all of the foregoing have to do with relief from the MANDEMIC? But of course, that’s where some of the $5T
Blood  Money” grift lives
on, and on, and on!

Let’s all dance the “Loosey Goosey” grift with Utah’s Governor Lil’ Coxy, Senator Leech Fillmore, and the Noolands.

Thank you “Noolands” !!!!

The Noolands responded to our earlier request to use their work, “Hey Wayne, Thanks for the email, it was very funny and made our day. You are absolutely free to use the video in your article and we’re so happy to have you as a fan of our band! We hope you enjoy the music! Likewise, we would like to ask permission to share your message with our fans (just the message text, not your personal info). We think it’s so great! Hope all is well. Rock on!! – The Noolands” 

If the reader doubts our numbers below, independent research is recommended.  The Cash Cow link will lead the reader to the Cares Act, CRF files.  Follow the Money data is found HERE.  Thereafter, the reader must do a deep dive to find what we’ve found.  Nevertheless, the following campaign finance data is found and linked to the source which is “Follow the Money” and “The Cares Act” Cash Cow. The Cash Cow is Lil’ Coxy’s “Executive Office of the State of Utah” … pregnant with $934,765,676.90 Grift.  All hyperlinks to underlying data are in blue.

Senator Lincoln “the Leech” Fillmore’s direct grift of $413,216.00 from Special Interests.
Click the upper right corner to expand.

We find the $12,000.00 grift from Big Tobacco most egregious and  revealing of the “Leech’s” lack of good character.

Governor Lil’ Coxy’s direct campaign cash cow grifts total $8,812,108.00 via
Special Interests.
Click the upper right corner to expand.


  • Lil Coxy’s Executive Office grifted a $125,000,000.00 grant to UETN taken from the Cash Cow.  See our story earlier in this posting to connect the dots to Coxy’s family business.
  •  Nomi  Health Inc. Donated ~$50,000.00 to Lil Coxy’s campaign.  Lil Coxy’s Executive Office grifted a $13,757,421.32 contract taken from the Cash Cow.  It could have been the other way around in time.  Nevertheless, it happened.
  • Penna Powers donated $1,500.00 to Lil Coxy’s campaign.  Lil Coxy’s Executive Office grifted a $3,519,467.83 grant to Pena Powers from the Cash Cow.  Hell Of A’ return on investment.
  • Fred Lampropoulos heads a corporation called Merit Medical, a serious violator with the following sleazy record: Penalty: $18,000,000.00, Year: 2020, Date: October 19, 2020 Offense Group: government-contracting-related offenses, Primary Offense: False Claims Act and related, Secondary Offense: kickbacks and bribery.” Lampropoulos and Merit are significant donors to Utah’s Goodfellas.  Lil Coxy got $50,000.00 from Fred and it looks like Merit cornered a $1,862,735.00 contract from the Cash Cow.  Lil’ Coxy, along with a gaggle of other Utah Goodfella grifters, personally picked up another $25,000.00 campaign cash from Merit Medical.
  • Love Communications donated $6,516.00 to Lil Coxy’s campaign and received a $7,647,637.27 contract from the Cash Cow.
  • Sundance Institute, purveyor of putrid, purulent, pusillanimous cinema, received $1,000,000.00 from the Cash Cow.  Chump change when compared to what Utah’s Goodfella legislature has given them over the years.
  • Domo donated $2,500.00 to Lil’ Coxy’s campaign and received $2,000,000.00 from the Cash Cow.  We compiled interesting background information from a variety of sources that connects Lil’ Coxy to Domo found HERE.
  • Leavitt Partners received $1,067,790.02 from the Cash Cow.  We find it interesting and vexing that Cares Act grift is going from one Governor’s Cash Cow to a former Governor’s financial interests and business.

Stay Tuned

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Authored by “The Ole’ Buzzard”
Wayne L. Wickizer
“Standing in the Door!”

A Mark Armstrong Illustration

Contact Information:
Cell: 385-239-8326

Co-authored and edited by Daniel Newby

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Published by

The Buzzard's Roost ... Ready for a Road Kill Roundup

Wayne L. Wickizer - MSAJ Major, U.S. Army Special Forces Ret. Former FBI Agent 1970-76

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