How the Media targets (real) Journalists
From the Plandemic Series

The following is a 2+ minute video clip from the Internet banned and blacklisted Plandemic Series.  Here are two key quotes… 

Sharyl Attkisson, “It is an industry that is paid to go after and target journalists, and inundate our consciousness in the images we see to try to ruin, destroy or smear the idea that they don’t like or the person who is delivering it.

Nancy Pelosi, “To smear somebody with falsehoods and all the rest and then you merchandise and then you write it.  Unless I say it’s reported in the press so they have that validation that the press reported the smear and then it’s called the ‘wrap-up smear.’  Now I’m going to merchandise the press’s report on the smear that we made.  It’s a tactic.”

Information Wars

We look now at the flip side of Information Wars that pit the “Main Stream Media” (MSM) against us.  In Utah, we have a prime example of how media flacks go gleefully bonkers when the opportunity arises to bloviate in the MSM about their masters.  Case in point are excerpts from one of our earlier postings which follow hereafter …

Recently publicized, Utah’s entrenched Goodfellas were caught cavorting like a pack of St. Hubert’s bloodhounds gleefully sniffing and slobbering up their master’s knickers … yep … you guessed it … Senator Orrin Hatch’s knickers.  

Sleep withSleep With Dogs and Get Fleas dogs

     and get fleas!


as Utah’s Goodfellas

… were bent on eulogizing, canonizing, beatifying, and sanctifying Hatch in the flesh. The Utah Goodfellas of whom we speak were: Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Elder M. Russell Ballard, Elder Quentin L. Cook of the LDS Church’s Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.  We add Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé and Scott Anderson, president and CEO of Zions Bank to include, of course, many other Goodfellas over the years.


Let’s cut to the chase with several examples of “Information Wars” and Propaganda as such relate to Orrin Hatch.  First,  take a short “snort” of ipecac (anti-nausea medication) and pursue the following with your most jaundiced eye. If you emerge at the end without hurling all over yourself and your house, you’ll be educated as to this small sample of Utah’s rampant “Information Wars.”

We write of media heavy, “Lovin’ Him a lot Nights” for Hatch … all orchestrated and calculated to primp, pimp and pander to the man.  You are invited to endure the following propaganda and counter propaganda.  You decide the truth of it.  Is truth in the Propaganda, or is the Counter Propaganda true?

Propaganda … as if it’s not obviously Propaganda!

Orrin Hatch – Published 1 JUN 2017 Deseret News

SALT LAKE CITY — The BYU Management Society named Sen. Orrin Hatch the 2017 Distinguished Utahn on Thursday. The Utah Republican, who is in his seventh term in the U.S. Senate, was honored at a gala in the Little America Hotel Grand Ballroom for his “contributions and commitment to supporting and growing moral and ethical leadership,” according to the society. “This has been one of the great evenings of my life,” Hatch said. “It’s been a privilege to be a United States senator, but it’s been a greater privilege to represent Utah.”

Orrin Hatch  – Published 2 JUN 2017  Church News

“…honored as 2017 Distinguished Utahn for service to others: “service to God, family and country”  … “grow moral and ethical leadership around the world.”  … “Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Elder M. Russell Ballard and Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles were in attendance at the event, as well as Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé and Scott Anderson, president and CEO of Zions Bank” … “Elder Ballard said one of the things he admires most about Sen. Hatch is his commitment to God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. “I believe his unwavering commitment to God, his family, his church and his nation are good reasons why Sen. Orrin Hatch is a man of moral and ethical leadership, deserving this honor in every way,” he said.   

Regarding the foregoing, The Ole’ Buzzard’s comments are …                                                   

Well … “Whoop de zhound3damn do!” and “Whoa there hoss’!”  You stepped in it with your, “Orrin Hatch is a man of moral and ethical leadership.”  Our maggot was gaggin’ the moment you spoke it Elder Ballard.   

Once, twice or many more times than we can count over the years, Utah’s entrenched Goodfellas were caught cavorting like a pack of St. Hubert’s bloodhounds gleefully sniffing and slobbering up Master Hatch’s knickers.

Orrin Hatch – Published: December 25, 2017 Updated: January 02, 2018 Salt Lake Tribune Editorial:“Why Orrin Hatch is Utahn of the Year” “The selection of Sen. Orrin G. Hatch as the 2017 Utahn of the Year has little to do with the fact that, after 42 years, he is the longest-serving Republican senator in U.S. history, that he has been a senator from Utah longer than three-fifths of the state’s population has been alive.  It has everything to do with recognizing:  1-Hatch’s part in the dramatic dismantling of the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments. 2-His role as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee in passing a major overhaul of the nation’s tax code.  3-Each of these actions stands to impact the lives of every Utahn, now and for years to come.  And … 4-His utter lack of integrity that rises from his unquenchable thirst for power.

Click HERE for the rest of the foregoing posting.

Now as for the …

Machiavellian Black Arts … Propaganda … Psychopaths … Sociopaths … Republicans and Democrats.

We write here of  the “Black Arts in play along the way … truth flees and flits like fickle illusions through dark clouds of Cognitive Dissonance, Distortion, Psychological Warfare, Propaganda, Perception Management, Mind Manipulation, and Destabilization.  They, the masters (Goodfellas) of these Black Arts, with “malice aforethought” and intent have subverted the rule of law and good governance.”  We add the manipulation of information technology and the media.Here are excerpts from Larry Kummer’s “The one tool that rules us and in the darkness binds us trom the Fabius Maximus website. 
Voodoo Propaganda
  • …our elites use propaganda as their most powerful tool to rule us. We do not see the world clearly, we react emotionally, and become increasingly fragmented and therefore powerless.
  • …propaganda is ancient, modern methods make it vastly more effective than in ancient times.
  • …our elites rule America with … strong hand while spending tiny sums to control both parties.
  • …Modern propaganda was developed during WWI, advanced radically in the 1930s and during WWII, and has improved slowly since.
  • …It has become a formidable tool in the hands of our ruling elites. (Goodfellas)

Additional readings:

  1. A nation lit only by propaganda.
  2. The secret, simple tool that persuades Americans. That molds our opinions.
  3. We cannot agree on simple facts and so cannot reform America.
  4. American politics is a fun parade of lies, for which we pay dearly.
  5. Our minds are addled, the result of skillful and expensive propaganda.
  6. We live in an age of ignorance, but can decide to fix this – today.
  7. Remembering is the first step to learning. Living in the now is ignorance.
  8. Swear allegiance to the truth as a step to reforming America.
  9. Ways to deal with those guilty of causing the fake news epidemic.
  10. The secret source of fake news. Its discovery will change America.
  11. Important: A picture of America, showing a path to political reform.

Knowing of how impatient we sometimes all are, I have taken literary license with Larry Kummer’s editorial and have abstracted the above from the fine posting, “The one tool that rules us and in the darkness binds us.”  28 June 2018.  From the most formidable Fabius Maximus website “Reigniting the spirit of a nation grown cold.”

As for Propaganda …


The Word … “Regime Change” … a journalist’s arrow in a quiver full of propaganda!


See how journalists work as a pack to manipulate us Larry Kummer, Editor, Fabius Maximus, 23 August 2018  Summary: Scores of posts here have documented that we are ignorant because we read the news.  Article here

A search run with the media aggregator Factiva finds that in the nearly 20 years since Venezuela first elected a Chavista government, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal WaPo, 19 May 2018.  and Washington Post have used the phrase “Venezuelan regime” 74 times, “regime in Venezuela” 30 times, “Chávez regime” 68 times, “Maduro regime” 168 times and “regime in Caracas” five times. All of these governments have been Democratically elected, but have sinned by trying to carve out a path independent of US control.

Calling a government a “regime” suggests a lack of legitimacy, with the implication that its ousting (by whatever means) would serve humanitarian and democratic ends; it’s no accident that the phrase is “regime change,” not “government change” or “administration change.” The obverse is also true: The authority of a “government” is more apt to be seen as legitimate, with resistance to it or defense against it frequently depicted as criminal or terroristic. Thus corporate media help instruct the population that the enemies of the US ruling class need to be eliminated, while its friends deserve protection.

The Ole’ Buzzard alerts the reader here.  The author(s) of the following seem to lump together the personality types and characteristics shared by Sociopaths and Psychopaths.  Our studies, for the most part, conclude that there are distinct differences.  However, these distinctions in this context are of little consequence because of the excellent treatment of characteristics.  In other words, don’t get hung up on definitions.  We should just take note and learn of the characteristics that you may see reflected in those around you and even mirrored in ourselves.

As for Psychopaths & Sociopaths … How to protect yourself from psychopaths who are able to manipulate your emotional intelligence


99.9% Of US Politicians Are Actual Psychopaths … Pandering, Pimping, Preening, and Posturing to the Powers that be … no matter the cost to The Rule of Law and Good Governance.

From Business Insider



Inc. By Justin Bariso

Psychopaths can use their knowledge of emotions to manipulate people.

  • They do so with little or no concern for others.
  • The only way to protect yourself is to sharpen your own emotional intelligence.

For most of us, the term “psychopath” evokes images of serial killers or mass murderers. But the complex disorder known as psychopathy — which is traditionally characterized by a list of traits including antisocial behavior, arrogance, deceitfulness, and a lack of emotional empathy — is actually more common than most people think.

This list of traits may sound like the complete opposite of what you normally think of when you hear the term “emotional intelligence” — the ability to identify, understand, and manage emotions. We generally think of emotionally intelligent persons as kind and helpful.

But a number of psychologists have also highlighted the “dark side” of emotional intelligence : how a person could use their knowledge of emotions to strategically achieve self-serving goals, with little or no concern for others.

So, this raises a question: Is there such thing as an emotionally intelligent psychopath ?

How psychopaths use EQ to manipulate

A criminal psychologist, Professor Robert Hare spent most of his life studying psychopaths and learning what makes them tick. (Hare is the creator of the PCL-R, the assessment most commonly used to identify psychopathic traits in an individual.) In an interview with the Telegraph , Hare described psychopathy as “dimensional,” suggesting that many psychopaths tend to blend in.

“There are people who are part-way up the scale, high enough to warrant an assessment for psychopathy, but not high enough up to cause problems. Often they’re our friends, they’re fun to be around. They might take advantage of us now and then, but usually it’s subtle and they’re able to talk their way around it.”

Note psychopath’s ability to “talk their way around” their tendency to take advantage of others. Intellectually, we may identify what they’re doing…we may even call them out for it. But these persons play on our emotions to get us to dismiss their behavior.

Research supports these conclusions — that some individuals are highly skilled at using the ability of emotional influence for selfish gain.

For example, consider one particularly fascinating experiment by Dr. Christian Keysers, Professor of Social Neuroscience at the University of Amsterdam.

In one study , Keysers and his team analyzed the brain activity of 21 convicted violent psychopathic offenders, comparing the results with 26 men of similar age and IQ. The participants were shown movies of people hurting each other while brain activity was measured. Later, a doctoral student would slap the patients on their hands to localize brain regions connected with feeling touch and pain. The goal was to see if patients’ brains activated a feeling of pain in their own brain when viewing the pain of others.

The result?

“The vicarious activation of motor, somatosensory and emotional brain regions was much lower in the patients with psychopathy than in the normal subjects,” writes Keysers . “The theory seemed right: their empathy was reduced, and this could explain why they committed such terrible crimes without feeling guilt.”

But one question still plagued Keysers.

How could these same individuals prove to be so charming at times?

“I remember chatting with one of the patients…a particularly severe psychopath (he had scored the full 40 points on the psychopathy checklist),” writes Keysers. “Surrounded by the guards, he seemed a most pleasant person. He was smiling, engaging, and seemed to feel exactly what we wanted from him.”

So Keysers and his partner decided to let the patients watch the movies again, this time asking them to try and empathize with the victims in the movies.

“What we found was that this simple instruction sufficed to boost the empathic activation in their brain to a level that was hard to distinguish from that of the healthy controls,” writes Keysers. “Suddenly, the psychopaths seemed as empathic as the next guy. Their empathy was switched on.”

Keysers’ conclusion:

“Psychopathic individuals do not simply lack empathy. Instead, it seems as though for most of us, empathy is the default mode. If we see a victim, we share her pain. For the psychopathic criminals of our study, empathy seemed to be a voluntary activity. If they want to, they can empathize, and that explains how they can be so charming, and maybe so manipulative. Once they have seduced you into doing what serves their purpose, the effortful empathy would probably disappear again.”

Protect yourself:

So, we might ask: How can you deal effectively with a psychopath’s emotional intelligence?

Simply put, by sharpening your own.


The 10 professions with the most psychopaths

Lindsay Dodgson May 20, 2018, 8:32 AM

Psychopaths are difficult to spot most of the time. They’re not the “Jack the Ripper” caricatures you see in films or read about in books. Often, psychopaths appear normal, which makes them hard to identify .

In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , or DSM-5, someone with a psychopathic personality type is defined as having an inflated, grandiose sense of themself , and a knack for manipulating other people. But a diagnosis is rarely simple .

One thing psychopaths tend to have in common is the careers they go for. For example, you’re likely to find a lot of them in leadership positions because of their ruthlessness, charisma, and fearlessness. They’re very good at making snap decisions, but not so good at the empathetic professions like nursing or therapy.

Kevin Dutton, a British psychologist and writer, specialises in the study of psychopathy. In his book ” The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success ,” he made a list of the types of jobs that attract the most psychopaths.

“Functional psychopaths,” as Dutton calls them, “use their detached, unflinching, and charismatic personalities to succeed in mainstream society.” In other words, psychopaths often live as normal people with a few traits that make them different.

Scroll down to see what the top 10 career choices for psychopaths are, ranked in ascending order by popularity.

  1. Civil servant

Being a civil servant is the 10th most popular career choice for psychopaths, according to Dutton. In fact, in 2014, UK Government officials considered recruiting psychopaths specifically “to keep order,” because they are “very good in crises” and have “no feelings for others, nor moral code, and tend to be very intelligent and logical.”

  1. Chef

Most psychopaths have no interest in harming others, so don’t worry about the fact chefs have access to open flames and knives during their work day. Psychopaths thrive in chaos where other people may fail, which could be one reason they work so well in a hectic kitchen.

  1. Clergy person

In a blog post for Psychology Today , FBI veteran Joe Navarro explains some of the reasons psychopathic people may go for a career in the Clergy. Among them are the fact religious organisations may provide a means for people to exploit others, while also giving legitimacy to their actions. Also, it is easy to make alliances, which can give manipulative people the upper hand in gaining access to sensitive information.

  1. Police officer

Psychopaths don’t necessarily have ulterior motives. One of their traits is being very cool-headed under stress. Police officers have a highly intense and dangerous job, so it’s a huge benefit if you are calm in a crisis. This could be a reason law enforcement is a popular career choice for psychopaths.

  1. Journalist

Dutton lists some of the traits of psychopaths as charm, focus, mindfulness, ruthlessness, and action — which are all advantageous in journalism, especially when you have strict deadlines and you have to get answers from sources.

  1. Surgeon

One study, published in the journal The Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England , sought to find out whether surgeons really were likely to be psychopaths. Results showed that consultants at teaching hospitals scored higher on a scale of psychopathic personality than district general hospital consultants, who scored higher than the general population. Possible reasons the authors give in their discussion is that “stress immunity is the overriding personality trait of doctors,” and the fact surgeons have to make quick, difficult decisions every day.

  1. Salesperson

psychopathic person who works in sales probably shows traits such as shameless self promotion, stealing other people’s contacts, a relentless desire to earn the most money, and an inability to be a team player. Depending on how your organisation works, this could either be your worst nightmare, or the dream sales candidate.

  1. Media person in TV or radio

Some psychopaths also exhibit narcissism, which is arguably useful in a job that requires a lot of public focus. The popularity of this career choice for psychopaths could also be because being a TV anchor or radio personality also requires you to be calm in the face of pressure.

  1. Lawyer

In ” Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding In Plain Sight ,” author M. E. Thomas, a self-proclaimed sociopath, claims being a sociopath helped her be a better attorney. In a blog post for Psychology Today , attorney Ruth Lee Johnson says that although psychopathic traits like self-confidence, cold-heartedness, and deceitful charm may be handy for lawyers, it’s simplistic to say these traits alone are enough. In the right context, though, they could make someone very formidable.

  1. CEO

Psychopaths have something called a “resilience to chaos.”This doesn’t just mean they keep a cool head under stress — they also sometimes create havoc for everyone else, because it makes them look good when everyone around them is struggling. Some psychopaths may use this method to climb the career ladder all the way to the top. Others aren’t necessarily as manipulative, and reach the top through their skills alone.


Psychopathy is a personality disorder, not a mental illness.

  • There is no “cure” for psychopaths, and they will never be able to change.
  • If they are in prison, psychopaths can be managed with reward-based treatment.
  • But this is simply a means of control, rather than a cure.

Like many personality traits, psychopathy is a spectrum. About 1-2% of men and 0.3-0.7% of women in the general population are estimated to be true psychopaths, but for the rest of us, we fall on the scale somewhere lower down.

People who experience psychopathic traits, such as ruthlessness, charisma, impulsivity, and persuasiveness, tend to get through life just fine. Even full-blown psychopaths can be very successful — they just won’t ever be the same as everyone else.

What sets a true psychopath apart from the rest of the population is a lack of empathy. They will never be able to sympathize with someone else’s feelings, or care that someone else is suffering while they thrive. In fact, sometimes a psychopath will enjoy feeling superior while they cause chaos for other people.

Lacking empathy isn’t a problem for a psychopath, and they won’t ever believe there’s anything wrong with them. By this logic, if you’re ever worried about being a psychopath, that means you cannot be one.

It also means a true psychopath can never be “cured.”

“From what I’ve read, what I’ve heard, what I’ve seen and experienced so far, people with dark triad personality disorders cannot and will not change,” said Perpetua Neo, a doctor of psychology and therapist, in an earlier article for Business Insider .

She added that people with these traits — narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy — are usually good at pretending to be something they are not. For example, even if they were coerced into going to therapy, they would be able to manipulate and trick their therapists.

“They orchestrate this show, put on a false self in front of the therapist, and they know how to push the buttons of their partner, so their partner looks extremely unstable in these situations,” Neo said. “The therapist may collude unknowingly with the dark triad person against the partner who really has been the one suffering.”

A paper by Nigel Blackwood , a forensic psychiatrist at King’s College London, explains that psychopaths do not fear punishment or social stigmatisation. They don’t feel the need to fit into social norms, so expectations of society have no impact on their behaviour.

This is why, if they are convicted of crimes, the punishment seems to have no impact on them. As a result, Blackwood explains, it’s incredibly hard to rehabilitate an adult psychopath in prison.

Reward-based treatment, such as giving them their favourite food or video games if they behave, is considered the best course to manage psychopaths who are incarcerated. But even by keeping them calm, this is a means of control, not a cure.

Not all psychopaths will become criminals, and many will get through life without anyone knowing what they are. But whether they end up causing trouble or not, there’s no evidence their personality will ever change.

SEE ALSO: How psychopaths and sociopaths deceive and trick their therapists


People with psychopathic traits may seek out therapy. True psychopaths will not.

  • Psychopaths can manipulate everyone around them, including their therapists.
  • There may not be a cure, but certain therapies may stop the most violent of psychopaths from re-offending.

An estimated 1-2% of men and 0.3-0.7% of women in the general population are psychopaths . However, the number of people who have psychopathic traits is probably a lot higher.

Psychopathy is a spectrumand we all fall on it somewhere , according to neuroscientist and psychiatrist Dr Tara Swart . The traits of a psychopath include ruthlessness, narcissism, persuasiveness, and the inability to feel guilt.

What separates most of us from people with psychopathic disorder, though, is the ability to feel empathy, says therapist Dr Perpetua Neo .

Usually, if someone shows unfavorable traits in a way that is pushing other people away, they will stop when they learn they are acting inappropriately. They may even choose to go to therapy to learn why they behave in such a way, and adjust accordingly.

However, a true psychopath will never choose to go see a therapist because they don’t think there’s anything wrong with the way there are. They will also never change, according to Neo.

A true psychopath will never change.

“People with traits, they’re going to be okay,” Neo told Business Insider. “[But] from what I’ve read, what I’ve heard, what I’ve seen and experienced so far, people with dark triad personality disorders cannot and will not change.”

Neo has worked mainly with women who have come out of abusive relationships with narcissists and even psychopaths. She usually works with them on their own while they are still with the abuser, or after they have been discarded .

Sometimes, though, a psychopath and their partner will go to counseling to try and fix their broken relationship. Neo says the only time a psychopath will agree to do this is if they can see how it will benefit them, and if they still have some use for their partner.

Even therapists can be fooled by them.

Psychopaths are often masters of manipulation, and by this point they have already managed to skew the whole relationship. They are very charming, and know how to tug at your heart strings, according to Neo. Unfortunately, even therapists can be fooled by them too.

“They orchestrate this show, put on a false self in front of the therapist, and they know how to push the buttons of their partner, so their partner looks extremely unstable in these situations,” she said. “The therapist may collude unknowingly with the dark triad person against the partner who really has been the one suffering.”

The psychopath may say that their partner is the “mad” one, gaslighting them into believing that it’s true.

“It’s very difficult for you to realize, because they can seem so stable and so rational,” Neo said.

Psychopaths don’t think there’s anything wrong with them.

It’s also difficult for therapists to know how to treat narcissists and psychopaths, because the research and knowledge on the topic is fairly limited. There are several tests to help diagnose psychopathy — such as the Hare Checklist — but these are far from perfect.

To further complicate matters, psychopathy is a wide-ranging personality disorder, and those who have it don’t tend to think there is anything wrong with them. Also, their traits can mimic many other problems, such as substance abuse, domestic abuse, or a gambling addiction, making them hard to identify.

“The psychopath or narcissist, anyone who is very abusive, they tend to be the master of smoke and mirrors,” Neo said. “It could look like something else — it could be the fact he has a difficult mother, so he drinks, and after he drinks he hurts me. Or he has a drug problem. Or he has this convoluted history of paranoia, because people are unfaithful to him and hurt him. So you’re always jumping from one thing to another.”

They could also be misdiagnosed as having a different personality disorder, because the therapist could pick up on something else. Depending on how cunning and manipulative the psychopath is, they may only show the therapist what they want them to see.

“I’ve met quite a few who learn symptoms and pretend to have them,” Neo added. “And a lot of therapies are about believing in a person’s ability to change their lives. If you build a relationship with somebody, you don’t want to believe they are bad. And if they have narcissistic personality disorder, or they’re a psychopath, they are a bad person. So there is this inherent conflict.”

A ‘cure’ might not be the answer.

With violent and criminal psychopaths, their lack of empathy and care for themselves means they have no guilt about what they’ve done and do not have any problems going to prison.

According to the work of Dr Kent Kiehl , a neuroscientist who has studied psychopaths for over 20 years, if you think going to therapy for a “cure” is the answer, you’re probably asking the wrong question.

In his book ” The Psychopath Whisperer ,” he outlines some treatment options for highly dangerous psychopaths. In these cases, they are already incarcerated, and so haven’t opted in for therapy, but are forced to go.

For example, at the Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center in Wisconsin, high risk youths are taken in and treated with intensive programs to try to reduce the chance they’ll re-offend.

The treatments are based on positive reinforcement rather than punishment, such as being given a reward, like a video game in their cell for the weekend, if they respond positively.

“The treatment doesn’t necessarily cure individuals with psychopathy, but it helps provide insight on how to reduce impulsivity and/or poor decisions that contribute to relapse to crime or antisocial behavior,” Kiehl told Business Insider.

“This program reduces violent recidivism by over 50%, which is a huge decrease and evidence that scientific-based treatment can effect positive outcomes in individuals with these traits.”

According to Kiehl, though, 10 to 15% of kids still re-offended violently, so the psychological treatment isn’t always effective. After all, there is still a lot we don’t know about the psychopathic brain.

In fact, some forms of therapy can actually make psychopaths commit more crimes than if they had none at all, Kiehl writes in his book.

This means research into the brain patterns, upbringing, and behavior of psychopaths is needed to better understand the chance somebody will become a psychopathic abuser, criminal, rapist, or murderer.

MRI scans could also help to determine whether treatment is really working, by looking at whether the brain activity in areas that regulate emotions, impulses, and morality increases over time.

The most important thing is to help the victims.

Whether somebody becomes a psychopath or is born that way is still a grey area, so the way they are treated is going to be a work in progress for a long time.

Neo says that right now, the most important thing in her own work is to help the people who are the victims, and aid them with getting out of dangerous situations.

“When I see there is clearly abuse going on, regardless of whether it’s emotional, financial, or physical, I will call it out,” she said.

“I will say it’s not healthy behavior, and this is not how anybody should be treated. I won’t mince my words. It’s tough, though, because [nobody] wants to hear they are with a psychopath.”

Still Waiting for the JCC…
We’re still waiting for the Judicial Conduct Commission (JCC) and Utah Supreme Court to decide our ethics complaint naming Utah Supreme Court “Associate Chief Justice” Thomas “Hoops” Lee.  We allege Lee has brought himself, his office and the Utah Supreme Court into disrepute.

1. We filed this complaint by email on June 8, 2020, at approximately 1500 hours.  The complaint wadelivered via regular mail to the JCC on June 10, 2020, at 12:37 pm, Front Desk Reception Mail Room, Salt Lake City, UT 84115.
2. The JCC assigned Case #20-SUP-049 on June 22, 2020.  See their letter here.
3. ??????????
Below is our calculator.

Calculate the days lapsed from… 
06.08.20 to 09.11.20  = ~95 days.

Fair Warning

Government employees, contractors and all others should be mindful that intimidating, interfering with and/or engaging in any way to discourage the right of a citizen to report shameful, inappropriate, fraudulent or unlawful conduct is a crime. Utilizing office email, or any other means of communication, to further such interference is also criminal conduct strictly prohibited because it aids and abets original, unlawful acts.  Supervisors and Division Heads may be particularly tempted to interfere and are therefore vulnerable and culpable if they do.  The Ole’ Buzzard and Team will duly report any and all unlawful conduct.

Friends, your “Tips” are priceless!

We accept credible tips (whistleblower or otherwise) and low-hanging, fraud fruit that supports our mission to help return to the Rule of Law and Good Governance.  We’ll keep your correspondence in confidence.  Justice4All trustees include former government whistleblowers, a former FBI Special Agent, a former IRS Special Agent, Veterans of Military Intelligence, Counterintelligence, and Special Operations.  We were entrusted to guard this nation’s most critical secrets and will protect your “tips” even more rigidly and carefully.

Use to email anonymous tips. You may also subscribe to free ProtonMail specifically designed to protect anonymous sources (see PCMag Review).

You may also mail information to:
6720 Buena Vista Drive
Ogden, UT 84405  

“The Ole’ Buzzard”
Wayne L. Wickizer

A Mark Armstrong Illustration

Contact Information:
Skype: wwickizer1
Cell: 435-828-0496

Co-authored by Daniel Newby

“Our strategy should be not only to confront empire, but to lay siege to it.  To deprive it of oxygen. To shame it. To mock it.  With our art, our music, our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness – and our ability to tell our own stories.  Stories that are different from the ones we’re being brainwashed to believe.” – Arundhati Roy

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The Buzzard's Roost ... Ready for a Road Kill Roundup

Wayne L. Wickizer - MSAJ Major, U.S. Army Special Forces Ret. Former FBI Agent 1970-76

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