For generations, citizens have reported waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, dangers to public health and safety, or even incorrect information to someone (Supervisor, Media, Grand Juries, Criminal Justice Authorities, Reliable Clergy, etc.) who may be in the position to “right” the wrongdoing.  We at Justice4All can help.  You are invited to use our secure Proton email inbox or make a quick text/phone call to … and/or 385-239-8326

We encourage local, state, and national employees to report conduct believed to be shameful, inappropriate, corrupt, and/or unlawful … conduct discovered in government operations.  We will help bring such information to the attention of District Attorneys and other proper authorities and encourage them to take appropriate action.

Below are resources related to laws and practices, designed to provide education, increase your ability to protect yourself and remain anonymous, and possibly lead to financial remuneration.  You, the whistleblower, not Justice4All, must determine whether any particular workplace activity is unlawful or inappropriate.  Proper authorities must then decide what to do about it.


5 Steps To Help You say NO and Succeed

1. Know You are NOT Alone … You may feel isolated in your efforts, but thousands of other former government employees, like us, have “been there and done that” and effected change. trustees include former government whistleblowers, a former FBI agent, Veterans of military intelligence, counterintelligence, and special operations.  We were entrusted to guard this nation’s most critical information with our lives.  We are equally dedicated to help you successfully expose government corruption.  We will protect you and your information as we have professionally in the past. 

2. Make an Informed Plan to Cover Your Ass … Protect yourself with expert advice from experienced whistleblowers and those who supported them.  Here are some resources to get you started: 

3. Secure Your Communications …  Handle ALL communications AWAY FROM YOUR WORKPLACE, and only use your own PRIVATE email account.  If you need anonymous educational information (we do NOT provide legal advice), or if you have an anonymous tip to share, click here to email us.  You may also subscribe to free ProtonMail specifically designed to protect anonymous sources (see PCMag Review).

4. Document, Document, Document … Collect detailed information that can be utilized to expose incidents and patterns of shady dealings, fraud, waste, and corruption.  This includes any threats, coercion, and intimidation you or coworkers experience that is unlawful.  Report even the barest whiff, sniff, or sense of attempts to retaliate.

5. Keep Calm, Cool, Composed and Confident … Change takes time, patience, and a cool, thoughtful head.  When it comes to exposing corruption, a slow, steady pace almost always beats a mad rush.

You’ll find comfort and camaraderie when you meet other great patriots who have set the example and exposed corruption. 

A Compilation of Many

“Leak: Why Mark Felt Became Deep Throat”

Unfortunately, there were then, as there are now, those at the upper echelons of the Government, the Justice Department, and the FBI, who, with malice and intent, subverted the rule of law and good governance in service of self.  They were prime movers of horrific, systemic, aberrant behavior that forever tarnished the image of, and brought discredit on, the Bureau and the Nation.

Finally, let’s all stand tall like Taylor Johnson!
(7 minutes)

“If you see something, say something!”


Image result for cheering crowd thank you

Our Communities, State and Nation Need YOU!

We are tirelessly involved in blowing the whistle and exposing corruption in Government.  Here is a roster of our stories in 2024 so far…


Friends, your “Tips”
 are Priceless!

We accept credible tips (whistleblower or otherwise) and low-hanging, fraud fruit that supports our mission to help return to the Rule of Law and Good Governance.  We’ll keep your correspondence in confidence.  Justice4All trustees include former government whistleblowers, a former FBI Special Agent, and Veterans of Military Intelligence, Counterintelligence, and Special Operations.  We were entrusted to guard this nation’s most critical secrets and will protect your “tips” even more rigidly and carefully.

Use or SafeHarbor4U@pm.meto email anonymous tips. You may also subscribe to free ProtonMail specifically designed to protect anonymous sources.

You may also mail information to:
6720 Buena Vista Drive
Ogden, UT 84405


Fair Warning

Government employees, contractors, and all others should be mindful that intimidating, interfering with, and/or engaging in any way to discourage the right of a citizen to report shameful, inappropriate, fraudulent, or unlawful conduct is a crime.  Utilizing office email, or any other means of communication, to further such interference is also criminal conduct strictly prohibited because it aids and abets original, unlawful acts.  Supervisors and Division Heads may be particularly tempted to interfere and are therefore vulnerable and culpable if they do.  The Ole’ Buzzard and Team will duly report any and all unlawful conduct.


Authored by “The Ole’ Buzzard”
Wayne L. Wickizer
“Standing in the Door!”

A Mark Armstrong Illustration

Contact Information:

Cell: 385-239-8326
Telegram: The Ole’ Buzzard’s Road Kill Roundup

We sweat, we stink, ​sometimes we swear
and shame the s**t out of the Goodfellas!

Edited, by Daniel Newby

“Our strategy should be not only to confront empire but to lay siege to it.  To deprive it of oxygen. To shame it. To mock it.  With our art, our music, our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness – and our ability to tell our own stories.  Stories that are different from the ones we’re being brainwashed to believe.” — Arundhati Roy

“Fair Use” Notice: This site and blog contain copyrighted materials and visuals whose use may not have been authorized by the copyright owners.  We believe that our not-for-profit, educational use on the Web constitutes a “fair use” of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law).  If anyone wishes to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond “fair use,” they must obtain permission from the copyright owner.  “Fair use” notwithstanding, we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants his or her material removed or modified. s/The Ole’ Buzzard.

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Outstanding third-party source for financial data:

Published by

The Buzzard's Roost ... Ready for a Road Kill Roundup

Wayne L. Wickizer - MSAJ Major, U.S. Army Special Forces Ret. Former FBI Agent 1970-76

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