Secret Plans for Utah’s Wasatch Canyons, Squandered $$$s, and
Utah’s Greedy Goodfellas

Commissioned in March of 1969, the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) was tasked with planning transportation into, and around, the Wasatch Mountains of Utah.  This ostensibly includes transportation plans, regional visioning efforts, and community and economic development planning within Weber, Morgan, Davis, Tooele, and Salt Lake counties.  The Central Wasatch Commission (CWC) is connected to the WFRC through a shared goal of “improving” transportation and planning in the region.

Or so they say.  We say they are a good-old-boy boondoggle mostly infested by political hacks who meet, eat, and retreat; doing nothing positive for canyon transportation.

These two greedy quasi-governmental agencies have hijacked our hard-earned wages for decades and have dumped their ill-gotten booty into a bottomless pit of multi-million dollar grift. Their endless meeting and planning for canyon transportation could have helped alleviate the travel “glut” into our ski resorts and protected the environment, but it didn’t.

Canyon planning has produced little more than expensive propaganda.  If “an ounce of propaganda is worth a pound of performance,” then the canyons’ transportation planners and their plans are all propaganda and harmful performance

Follow the money and see how they squandered taxpayer dollars HERE for the WFRC and HERE for the CWC.     

Oh, the outrage, hue, and cry that ensues for daring to criticize Utah’s sacred oxen.  Their anguish and angst echo across the Wasatch Front and back.  We see fraud-auditable expenditures and a growing price tag for perpetually meeting and “planning.”  Where’s the proof of product? Where’s the proof of a canyons’ transportation solution after years of back-slapping and ass-kissing?

In a typical lawsuit, regardless who “prevails,” the attorneys are often the only REAL winners.  The same goes for perpetually “planning” a project.  Regardless of an end product (or not), the overpaid “planners” are the only REAL winners.  WFRC and CWC are quintessential examples of rewarding gross incompetence and wasteful gluttony.


Doo-Doo Nothing Addiction

These piles of doo-nothing quasi-governmental meadow muffins dot Utah’s entire political landscape.  Getting a paid position in one of these country clubs is part of the corrupt “pay-to-play” misconduct that makes Utah known — far and wide — as the Affinity Fraud Capital of America and ranked by BestLife as the 2nd Most Corrupt State in America.

Don’t believe us?  Click HERE for a shameful roster of similar Utah quasi-governmental scams.

The dilemma of balancing tourism, ski resorts, environmental needs, and transportation has perpetually plagued the Wasatch Front.  Endless meetings have failed to produce a solution offered to the public.

There is, however, a solution well in mind — waiting to be launched. 

That launch date is nearing just as soon as Utah’s Goodfella elites are properly preened, postured, pre-positioned and prepared to fully profit from it, including the following:

    • The Point of the Mountain prison has been relocated.
    • Rapid transit along the I-15 corridor is maturing.
    • “Silicon Slopes” and Slave Cities (disguised as “Smart Cities” — see below) are already firmly set to be established.
    • Utah’s new “Inland Port Authority” has been birthed and morphed into … another insatiable land grabbing, tax tyrant, and quasi-governmental scam sucking the vitals out of our State and people.

WFRC-CWC, prison move, rapid transit, Silicon Slopes, Smart Cities, Inland Port Authority, and many others are all inextricably intertwined and symbiotically ingrained with graft and grift scrambling for a solution.

Yet, you won’t hear about the solution until it is far too late to benefit the People.

Coxy Caught With His
Pants Down

Remember how Utah’s Governor Lil’ Spencer Coxy lied and denied knowing anything about “Smart” Cities”?  Remember how he frantically scrambled to protect the Smart Cities plan from premature exposure?  See his “Disagree Better” confrontation with “We are the People” Jason Preston on April 22, 2023.

Yet, Utah’s Liar and Denier-in-Chief had previously delivered a lecture to Utah’s elites at the December 17, 2019 “Smart Cities Luncheon.”

Watch the effeminate, lying little smartass preach about a topic he claimed to know nothing about … smart cities … smart state … his smart ass self.

A “Disagree Better” Delight

Moving on, while the WFRC and CWC pretend to plan, the “Landmen” have been gobbling up the land.  Utah’s selected Legislators and other officials are slipping, sliding, sleazing and positioning themselves for personal advantage and gain.

These elected or selected real estate pimps and panderers — illegitimately  moonlighting as real officials — schlep along clumsily, albeit craftily, with their equally-odorous, opportunistic attorney-legislator colleagues.  As a fraternity, Utah’s Goodfella legislators most certainly are NOT in it for you, their constituents

For another way of looking at the players, examine our exposés on Utah’s elite Goodfellas, the  Corrupt Corporate LDS (Mormon) Church and Utah as the 2nd Most Corrupt State in the Nation.  All are scrambling to the head of the line — jumping way ahead of us — to grab all the glory and grift they can get their grimy hands on.

Why?  Because the scams and schemes from the “slopes” and “cities” plans and projects are far richer than even the “pay-to-play” rewards they’ve been gobbling from Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, and other special interests.

While we’ve been taxed to the max,
Utah’s Goodfellas are planning to
make out like bandits.

According to the “Visual Capitalist,” except for California, Utahns bear the biggest tax burden of all the Western States.


Can Utah’s Canyons Be Saved and Serve the People’s Interests?

“Somebody said that it couldn’t be done, but he with a chuckle replied that maybe it couldn’t but he would be one who wouldn’t say so ’til he tried.” [See entire poem in the “Extra” section.]

According to the know-it-alls, mankind wasn’t supposed to fly, let alone soar.  Thanks to visionaries, in a span of relatively few decades, America went soaring into space and completed impressive infrastructure projects that  significantly improved our quality of life.

Roads and bridges made commerce possible, power projects beamed light to dark places, and dams brought precious water to bless and blossom deserts and arid lands.  Utah’s Wasatch Front canyon transportation and preservation challenges can likewise be tackled. 

In 1984, renowned Utah geologist Leon Hansen proposed building a multi-purpose, multi-use super tunnel.  Naysayers replied that such a tunnel couldn’t be done, but similar tunnels have since been completed all over the world.


Leon Alden Hansen obituary

Click HERE for Leon’s Obituary

The Hunnel Tunnel

In memory of my brother-by-another-mother, we introduce the tunnel that, in Leon Hansen’s
honor, could be called
“The Hunnel.”

Although proposed by others in the past, Utah’s renowned geologist, Leon Hansen, campaigned feverishly to move the multi-use, multi-purpose Super Tunnel project forward.  Leon believed the Super Tunnel could resolve many of the problems we experience today, and open up the benefit from vast natural resources to Utah’s citizens and economy.

For many years before his passing, Leon Hansen and I had become like brothers.  We often traveled together across Utah’s Wasatch Back.  We swapped stories.  Leon lived long enough to watch my sons play university basketball.  We planned together and spent endless hours on the telephone.  At his passing, I was invited by the family to speak at his funeral … an honor I shall forever reverence.

The following PDF briefing notes and visuals were originally in the mutual product he and I produced.  I’ve tweaked it a bit over the years.  It’s clunky because we were two old codgers even back then.  I’ve tossed a thought or two into the story to top it off.

Click on the arrow in the upper right corner of the PDF below, and see a plan that will knock the socks off of decades of the other plans released to the public by the WFRC and the CWC

We never did go on the road trip and speaking circuit with our Hunnel briefing because Leon died.  Damn him for dying too soon, yet his passions for Utah’s hard rocks and the Hunnel live on in the hearts of many.  I still sorrow the loss of my friend.  My narration of the PDF above is found in the “Extra” section at the end of this report.


Utah Legislators Go
AWOL to Switzerland

After Leon’s passing, I carried on as I could with our ideas, presenting the “Hunnel Tunnel” briefing to Franz Kolb, now-director of international trade and diplomacy at the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity (GOEO).  I also presented the plan to Lew Cramer prior CEO of the Utah World Trade Center. 

Interestingly, within a year or so of my presentations, Utah Legislators  helped themselves to several unauthorized junkets to Switzerland.  We believe there was a connection between the Hunnel, Swiss tunnels, and certain Utah legislators and their travel to Switzerland.  You can be sure they didn’t go for your benefit.

Switzerland features successful tunnels similar to the one we proposed for Utah.  Of equal interest, these junket junkie legislators didn’t tell the public precisely why they went, or share what they learned.  But without a doubt on our part, the Swiss tunnels were a significant component of the Swiss visit. 

The Swiss are indeed proud of their tunnelsThe Gotthard Base Tunnel and the Ceneri Base Tunnel are considered significant achievements in engineering and infrastructure.  Compared to the figures for the Gotthard or Lötschberg (34.6km), the Monte Ceneri seems like small fry.  But two decades ago, its 15.4km would have put it in the world’s top 10 by length.  By the end of this decade, when other projects like the Fréjus or the Brenner are completed, it will be about 30th in the world rankings.

Our Hunnel tunnel briefing, and other briefings, had been public for decades.  Similar proposals had been considered in the past.  So why the secrecy?  It defies imagination and reason to even intimate that these junket junkies did not visit, or were not briefed about, Swiss tunnels.

These trips to Switzerland by Utah Goodfella legislators and other carpetbaggers took place at two different times:

    1. The first trip was in June 2014. During this trip, Rep. Jake Anderegg, Senate President Wayne Niederhauser, and House Speaker Greg Hughes met with 40 to 50 business owners in Interlaken.
    2. The second trip, which was more controversial, occurred from September 19 to September 25.  This trip included House Speaker Greg Hughes, Rep. Jake Anderegg, Senate Majority Whip Stuart Adams, House Assistant Majority Whip Brad Wilson, and Sen. Mark Madsen.

These trips were controversial for several reasons:

    1. Lack of Transparency: The trip was not disclosed publicly before it took place. This lack of transparency raised concerns, especially as it occurred before voters went to the polls on a proposed transportation sales-tax hike.
    2. Involvement of Utah Transit Authority (UTA): Several current and past UTA leaders were involved in the trip.  However, the UTA stated that the trip “was not approved by the board, nor did the board receive notice that the trip was taking place”.  This raised questions about the UTA’s role and involvement in the trip.
    3. Potential Conflict of Interest: During the trip, the legislators met with Stadler Rail Group, a Swiss company that was a bidder for space in UTA’s FrontRunner maintenance facility.  This meeting led to the temporary cancellation of a competitive bid process, raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest.
    4. “Surprise” to the Governor’s Office: The trip surprised the Governor’s Office, which was at the time negotiating with Stadler Rail Group to locate a railcar manufacturing plant in Utah.  The Governor’s Office was purportedly not aware of the trip until after it had occurred.

Despite the controversy, the lawmakers defended the trip, stating that they played a role in building relationships with people who could help Utah grow economically.


    1. Anatomy of a trip: The Utah-Switzerland connection
    2. Utah lawmakers, others defend trip to Switzerland – Deseret News
    3. Utah State Legislature | Reading Calendars
    4. Utah lawmakers defend their trip to Switzerland |

Changing lanes and shifting Gears now for a
Warning, Warning, Warning … 

Utah’s same, Bush League Goodfellas will be eaten alive by the cunning, crafty, evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Dragon from across the many waters … far from the congenial Swiss. 


Kowtowing Utah Goodfellas
are Easy Targets for the
Chinese Communist Party

Though feared by federal regime as an existential military, business, political, and social threat, Utah’s Goodfellas pay no mind to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) threat.  Arrogantly, blithely ignoring Chinese Elegant Bribery or “Yahui” facilitated by “Guanxi,” Utah’s “pay-to-play,” “I’ll-do-anything-for-money” attitude is easy pickings for foreign adversaries, and especially agents of the CCP. 

The following is perhaps the most comprehensive compilation of reports in existence regarding the Utah-China connection naming names and issues with clarity and credibility.

Click on the arrow in the upper right corner for best reading results.

It is no coincidence that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), like their Federal Regime and multinational corporate conglomerates, will be, or is already, surfacing as an  increasingly-significant Utah land and other asset grabber.

Utah’s Goodfellas “will do anything for money,” to include working with a mass-murdering communist regime.  See our report above and here, “From Wuhan with Love!” wherein we reveal that Utah’s regime purchased 500,000 facemasks from the CCP’s subsidized manufacturing city of Tianjin.  In other words, the CCP poisoned America, and Utah taxpayers subsidized them for it. 

For the Chinese citizen struggling to make a living and avoid the iron fist of the CCP, the spectre of agony, starvation, and death is always at the doorstep.  For example, some scholars estimate that in sum, Mao’s horrific decades-long tyranny caused as many as 80 million “unnatural deaths.”  Propaganda to the contrary, the toll is still rising.

Former Utah Governor Gary Herbert [pictured below] and his protégé, Lil Coxy, knew all about the evil CCP, but they and other Utah Goodfellas sold their souls for money.

As a former FBI Agent, a retired U.S. Army Special Forces Intelligence Officer, and a person having had military duty and civilian business experience in, around, over, and about China since the 1950s, I declare with certainty that, almost without exception, every Communist Chinese citizen (who has not renounced his ties) with feet-on-the-ground in Utah is either an intelligence operator, an intelligence collector, a potential agent provocateur, or all of the foregoing. 

Ending it Here…

With purpose aforethought, we’ve set out to throw a wrench into the plans and workings of those Goodfellas who, from within their evil inner sanctums and lairs, conspire to profit and plunder at the expense of our once great State and its peoples.

In our report and story, we have introduced the WFRC-CWC, the “Hunnel” tunnel, compromised and corrupted Utah Goodfellas, an ever looming China plague, and other issues.  In our reporting we’ve purposefully pre-empted and intercepted many predetermined artifices, designs, and intents to defraud our People. 

By tracking and compiling reader responses, it is our intent to establish and produce a record that will serve to secure citizens’ rights to recourse as Utah public works and other projects continue to be corrupted. 


Duck the Puck and ~$900MM of …
Your Tax Financing!


Coyote-Capitalism is
a Utah Zillionaire’s Game

Even after Arizona threw the tax-drunk Coyotes hockey team out, we in Utah, with little relief or recourse, are consigned to be taxed to the max to fund, feed, fett, water, house, and parade our clever Coyotes all about the State and Nation.

Nevermind that a majority of Utah’s families who are tax strapped and barely existing hand to mouth to make ends meet couldn’t care less about the Coyotes or basketball or hockey or soccer or baseball or Zillionaire Ryan Smith and his Salt Lake Sin City2 Utah.


According to the “Visual Capitalist,” except for California, Utahns bear the biggest tax burden of all the Western States.

Utah’s elite little toadies, oligarchs, and Goodfellas, come hell or high water, will enjoy their luxury grifts, booths, and perks. Compelled just to watch each other watching sports, they’ll fiddle away as Rome (Utah) burns (self immolates).  All-the-while, families across the State are scrambling to eat and make ends meet … to be destined and to be damned to be taxed to the max.


“You cannot control your own population by force, but it can be distracted by consumption.” – Noam Chomsky 

Utahan’s compulsive, “Mass Formation Psychosis” for ravenously consuming sumptuous banquets of endless sporting events is purposefully facilitated by our elites and Goodfellas. Said Psychosis serves to ensnare, enslave, and habituate our gullible citizens distracting them and deflecting them from the realities of terrible times looming. The design and delivery of absolute control under such circumstances is an elitist, Goodfella imperative well underway. 

Designs and tools for absolute control: departure and abdication from The Rule of Law … the “evolution” of and a perpetually established elite oligarchy … subrosa incitement and instigation of civil disobedience, social and political disruption … smart State … smart cities … electronic surveillance State … digitel IDs … digital currency … pandemic (mandemic) panic … vaxx to the max … masking … social distancing …. mindless and unlawfully mandated medical and pharmaceutical interventions … degenerative interventions in air, water, and food resources … mind and emotion altering particles seeded into water, food, air, and upper atmospheric regions … weather modification and control … purposeful disruption of essential transportation … isolation … confinement … false charges … shaming … propaganda … gun control … malicious, programed educational indoctrination of children and  youth … woke curriculum … gay and transgender infiltration, infection and degeneracy  … and more.  

Left to right: Utah “Justice” Thomas “Hoops” Lee, Lee’s son,
and then-Lt. Gov. Spencer “Loosey Goosey” Cox, cozying up with tickets paid for by Jazz owner Gail Miller.

“We’re All in this [Corruption] Together”

Utah’s Goodfellas love grifting tickets, and being seen, at taxpayer-subsidized sporting events.  Then-Lt. Governor Spencer “Loosey Goosey” Cox, who slothed, slithered and slimed his way into Utah politics vis a vis his Godfather former-Governor “Available Jones” Herbert and Goodfella graces, sullied Utah’s “Supreme” Court with his corrupt “look-at-me!” antics.

Aside from the more obvious conflicts-of-interest involved in this inappropriate familiarity, we summarize from the Tribune article:

Cox leveraged the linkage between Jazz owner Gail Miller [who paid for their tickets], the Utah Supreme Court and himself.

1. Miller has some business before the state.  For example, she is one of the leaders (co-chair) of Count My Vote, which is attempting to put an initiative on the ballot to cement in place the election law that allows candidates to qualify for the ballot either by collecting signatures or through the caucus-convention system.” [Gail Miller also coughed up $55,000.00 (recent total $105,000.00) to get Lil Coxy re-elected.]

2. Cox, as the state’s top election official, will be in charge of verifying whether Count My Vote obtains the 113,000 signatures needed to qualify for the ballot.”

3. “Also, the election law that Count My vote seeks to bolster was previously upheld by the Utah Supreme Court, where Justice Lee serves [as Associate Chief Justice].”

See our complaint below.


Hunnel Video Briefing

In our briefing below, we give Leon Hansen credit as the Father of the Utah Tunnel proposal.  There were others to whom credit should be given.  However, Leon’s voice was raised more roundly, loudly, passionately, and unendingly than any others’ in support of the monumental potential surrounding the Utah tunnel … the Hunnel.


Fair Warning

Government employees, contractors, and all others should be mindful that intimidating, interfering with, and/or engaging in any way to discourage the right of a citizen to report shameful, inappropriate, fraudulent, or unlawful conduct is a crime.  Utilizing office email, or any other means of communication, to further such interference is also criminal conduct strictly prohibited because it aids and abets original, unlawful acts.  Supervisors and Division Heads may be particularly tempted to interfere and are therefore vulnerable and culpable if they do.  The Ole’ Buzzard and Team will duly report any and all unlawful conduct.


Friends, your “Tips”
 are Priceless!

We accept credible tips (whistleblower or otherwise) and low-hanging, fraud fruit that supports our mission to help return to the Rule of Law and Good Governance.  We’ll keep your correspondence in confidence.  Justice4All trustees include former government whistleblowers, a former FBI Special Agent, and Veterans of Military Intelligence, Counterintelligence, and Special Operations.  We were entrusted to guard this nation’s most critical secrets and will protect your “tips” even more rigidly and carefully.

Use or SafeHarbor4U@pm.meto email anonymous tips. You may also subscribe to free ProtonMail specifically designed to protect anonymous sources.

You may also mail information to:
6720 Buena Vista Drive
Ogden, UT 84405


Authored by “The Ole’ Buzzard”
Wayne L. Wickizer
“Standing in the Door!”

A Mark Armstrong Illustration

Contact Information:

Cell: 385-239-8326
Telegram: The Ole’ Buzzard’s Road Kill Roundup
We sweat, we stink, ​sometimes we swear
and shame the s**t out of the Goodfellas!


Added to, and edited, by Daniel Newby

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